
Ovarian Cancer Treatments Effects on Sexuality

Changes in sex and intimacy

There are several factors that can cause changes in sex drive, sexual activity, and intimacy. These factors are hormonal changes, stress, and anxiety [2].

Ovarian cancer has a great physiological effect on the body. A cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment may also tend to be more difficult and have severe mental health effects. Ovarian cancer can change how you feel in your body and about your body. Mental health resources also play a vital role in treatment and recovery.

The usual physical and emotional issues that come with ovarian cancer are:

  • Lack of desire or libido
  • Lack of arousal
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Painful intercourse
  • Body image concerns
  • Difficulty climaxing
  • Reduced satisfaction

Reduced estrogen levels, chemotherapy, and other types of medications can also cause lower than normal lubrication, making sex feel boring and stressful.