
Colitis Food Tips: What to Eat and What to Avoid

Foods to include in your Colitis diet

It may not be easy to figure out what you can eat on your own, and this is because your diet may contain a wide range of potential triggers that makes it difficult to know what is safe to eat. Some foods can be eaten but may be challenging to digest when one has a flare; nutrients such as fiber fall in this category.

Another reason why you should visit your doctor or see a nutritionist is that foods that trigger symptoms vary from person to person. Although, foods that provide a significant amount of potassium, magnesium, calcium, folate, and iron are suitable for colitis. Some other foods to eat include:

Refined grains

Foods like bread, pasta, and cereal made from refined grains will do you a lot of good if you have ulcerative colitis. Not just any grains but the refined, this is because manufacturers enrich most grain products with extra minerals and vitamins, unlike the whole grains that may appear hard to digest.