
Crohn’s Disease – Common Symptoms & Diagnosis

Crohn’s disease symptom introductions

Crohn’s disease can affect the lining of any part of the digestive system. In this case, the inflammatory process has a pronounced local character: the damaged sections of the intestine alternate with segments of the mucous membrane that are not affected by the disease. Granulomatous colitis often affects the small intestine (ileum), followed by the colon. The surface of the mucous membrane is covered with multiple longitudinal ulcers, with the progression of the disease – ulcers deepen, increase in size and merge. In Crohn’s disease, the mucous membrane takes on the appearance of a “cobblestone pavement”: polypoid granular structures are intersected by deep cracks. Often the disease is complicated by intestinal perforation, the formation of fistulas, abscesses, infiltrates, bleeding. The symptoms are very similar to those of ulcerative colitis.