
10 Home Remedies for a Clogged Ear

Ear Drops, Nasal Spray or Oral Decongestants

Ear drops [2] are usually the first line of treatment for ear problems. It is quite natural for anyone who feels a blockage in the ear to get an ear drop for the problem.  The good thing is, it is a good remedy. Ear drop can be used as a natural remedy for ear wax and related issues. Ear drops can also be in the form of some oils, such as baby oil or mineral oil. Else you can put hydrogen peroxide or glycerine as an eardrop. This can aid in removing excessive ear-wax build up from the ears.

OTC nasal sprays and oral decongestants can be especially useful when flying or if you have nasal or sinus congestion. They’re often more effective as a preventive treatment.