
12 Effective Earwax Removal Home Remedies

Baking Soda

Baking soda when dissolved in a few drops of water and instilled into the ear using a dropper can help remove excess earwax from the ears and protect them from infection.


Glycerin can be used to lubricate the ear wax and make it soft. You can use it to dissolve the earwax blocking your eardrum [1] without having any negative effects on the ears.

Warm Water

You can irrigate your ear with warm water to remove excess ear wax from your ear canal. Add a little amount of warm water into your ear using a rubber bulb. Let the water run on a towel or basin so you can see some parts of excessive ear wax on your towel.


A combination of alcohol and vinegar can be applied to the ear to remove excess earwax from the ears. It is important to make sure the mixture is in the right proportion to avoid further irritation in the ear canal.

Coconut Oil

Studies show that coconut oil with medium-chain fatty acids have similar properties as sebum [2] and are very helpful in getting rid of excessive earwax by absorbing coconut oil. [3]