
Blepharitis (Eyelid Inflammation): Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment

Types of blepharitis

There are two types of blepharitis, categorized by the exact location on your eyelids they appear. They are:

  • Anterior blepharitis: This type is when the condo appears in the eyelid’s front exterior, where the eyelashes come out of your lids. It is usually red or darker in color and swollen, or it may come as dandruffs on your lashes.
  • Posterior blepharitis: This type occurs when the oil-producing meibomian glands under your eyelid produce thickened or unhealthy oil.

Signs and symptoms of blepharitis

There are different ways to know if you are experiencing this condition, they include:

  • Swollen eyelids and/or greasy eyelids
  • Crusting of eyelashes and eyelid corners, making your eyelids stick together
  • Excessive blinking
  • Red, irritated eyes that itch or burn
  • Dry eye
  • Excessive tearing
  • Flakes of skin collecting around your eyes and eyelids

Other signs and symptoms may include:

  • Blurred vision
  • Photophobia (light sensitivity)
  • Loss of eyelashes
  • Eyelashes that grow toward your eyes rather than away from them (trichiasis)