
Itchy Eyes: 16 Soothing Remedies & Prevention Tips 

Chilled Spoon

In order to reduce swelling and redness around your eyes, chilled metal spoons can help constrict the blood vessels in that area. An ice-filled glass should contain four metal spoons. Place one spoon on each eye when it has been cold. Replace the spoons that are already warm with the ones that are still chilled in the glass of ice water when they start to get warm. Till the swelling goes down, repeat this cycle.

Warm Compress

If you have itchy eyes brought on by allergies, a warm compress will help. By soaking a soft cloth in warm water, squeeze out the extra water, and then apply the warm compress to your closed eyes. Leave it there for a minimum of ten minutes. The heat will stop the itching and the redness will go away. Until the symptoms go away, apply the warm compress several times per day.