
Top 10 Causes of Blurred Vision

Detached Retina

A detached retina is a condition that occurs when the retina pulls away from the blood vessels providing nutrients and oxygen. Aging and eye injury are the two leading causes of eye problems. Since it doesn’t hurt, people could hardly recognize it. According to the National Eye Institute [3], the symptoms of the condition may appear relatively swift. Examples of some of the symptoms are a shadow on the sides or middle of the individual’s vision (blurred vision). Besides blurred vision, an individual with a detached retina may also experience new floaters, photopsia, and dark curtains over the vision.

A detached retina won’t spontaneously fix on its own. Immediate actions should be taken as the longer retinal detachment goes untreated, the higher chance of losing eyesight. The treatment procedure for this condition is to reattach the retina. Doctors may recommend surgery, laser (thermal) surgery, or freezing treatment. Please note that the eye may suffer long term damage if there is no immediate treatment.