
Foot Pain Relief: 8 Remedies That Work

Lie with Your Feet up

Lying on the sofa or bed and placing a high pillow under the feet helps to improve the return of blood to the heart and, therefore, improves lymphatic drainage by reducing the swelling in the feet and relieving the pain and heaviness in the legs. [2]


Massage with Essential Oils

Massaging with essential oils and being a great way to relieve foot pain at the end of the day, also helps to activate specific reflexology points that relieve tension throughout the body, generating a feeling of relief.


Make a Contrast Bath

A contrast bath consists of placing your feet in a bucket with hot water and then placing them in another with cold water. This sudden change in temperature helps to activate blood circulation and eliminate excess fluids from the legs and feet, which is usually the main cause of pain. [3]

To do the contrast bath, you must then place your feet in the bucket of hot water for 3 minutes and then move to the bucket with ice water, leaving for another few minutes.