
Remedies for Low Blood Pressure

Drink Caffeine

Beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee and brewed tea, can cause a short-term increase in heart rate. [5] When the heart works faster, it pumps blood with more pressure and this can help offset blood pressure while the effect lasts.

Caffeine intake does not affect everyone’s blood pressure the same way, so it may not be right for you. If you’re also a habitual coffee drinker, your vascular system may have developed resistance to its effects.

Increase Your Vitamin B12 Intake

Sometimes hypotension is due to anemia. Vitamin B12 is important in the production of red blood cells. When this vitamin is low, your body may not produce enough red blood cells, resulting in a drop in blood pressure. You can combat this by increasing your intake of vitamin B12. [6] Vitamin B12 can be included into your diet by increasing your consumption of eggs, fish, chicken, and low-fat dairy products.

Folate is another B vitamin (vitamin B9) that can have similar effects as vitamin B12 when it is low in your body. Consuming more folates can help fight low blood pressure caused by this condition. [7] Folate-rich foods to consider adding to your diet, including broccoli, asparagus, lentils, liver, and chickpeas.