
Low Hemoglobin: Symptoms, Causes and Treatments

Types, Symptoms of Low Hemoglobin and Who Can Have Low Hemoglobin?

There are several types of anemia. Some cause mild conditions, while some lead to chronic medical condition. The different types of anemia come from the following factors;

  • The body cannot synthesize enough hemoglobin
  • The body synthesizes hemoglobin, but the hemoglobin does not function properly
  • The body does not synthesize enough red blood cells
  • The body degrades red blood cells faster than normal

The symptoms and signs of how hemoglobin depends on the cause and seriousness of the condition. In some cases, there might be no symptoms. Signs and symptoms if they do occur, might include weakness, irregular heartbeats, headaches, cold hands and feet, pale or yellowish skin, fatigue, dizzleness or lightheadedness, chest pain [1], shortness of breath [2], ulceration of the skin [3], retarded growth or puberty, blindness, bone pain, generalized body pain and aches.

Anyone can have low hemoglobin levels. However, the following people are more likely to experience it:

  • Women, because of blood loss during monthly periods and childbirth
  • People older than 65 that are at higher risk of taking foods low in iron
  • People that are unable to absorb iron
  • People that use blood thinners such as aspirin [4], heparin and coumadin
  • People who have kidney failure (especially if they are on dialysis) [5], because they have difficulties producing red blood cells.