
Common Symptoms of Hip Pain


If you have hip pain, your joints may become hard to move [6]. The stiffness is more severe in the mornings or anytime you’re leaving a position of rest. Stiffness of the hip joints often relaxes after you have used your hips for a while.

Depending on the cause of the hip pain, the stiffness may build up over time or appear suddenly. Stiffness from hip injuries, for instance, can appear overnight after the muscles around the affected hip have rested. This kind of stiffness persists for a few days and only improves minimally with physical activity.

Along with ordinary stiffness, you may experience a limited range of movement in your hips. You may notice you aren’t able to extend your legs as far as you used to. Hip tendonitis [7] is a painful inflammation of the tendons of the hips that can cause this problem. It can cause severe difficulty with moving your hips.

Hip stiffness and limited range of motion usually resolve when the underlying cause of the hip pain has been treated.