
Diet for Inflammatory Bowel Disease


Inflammatory bowel disease often puts tight restrictions on the kind of foods patients can eat. If you have this disorder, you may still be able to eat certain kinds of foods, such as proteins. With this class of foods, what matters more is the fat content. Avoid high-fat proteins.

You can include proteins such as [2] fish, lean meat, eggs, soy, tofu, and chicken in your diet. Limit red meat and sausages in your diet.

Healthy Fats

High-fat foods can worsen symptoms of people with this disorder, but not all fats are bad for them. When including fat in your diet, stick to foods and oils containing healthy fats [3] like omega 3 fatty acids. Choose canola oil and olive oil if you are not sure which oils to use when cooking.

Fruits and Vegetables

It usually feels like you can’t go wrong with fruits and vegetables in your diet. The truth is that you can. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, you have to be careful which fruits and vegetables you consume as some can be very bad for your gut.

It is best to consume fruits and vegetables that are skinless and seedless [4]. Going by this, your diet may include [5] bananas, pumpkin, cantaloupe, fresh and well-cooked vegetables, squash, and peeled cucumbers. Avoid fruits and vegetables like broccoli, apple with skin, artichokes, and plum. Raw fruits and vegetables should be limited in your diet.