
What Are The Symptoms of Lymphoma?

Fatigue and Unplanned Weight Loss

Fatigue is extreme tiredness that may set in after doing very little work or no work with no explainable cause. It is a symptom of many mild to chronic conditions, including lymphoma.

Fatigue caused by lymphoma [6] differs from normal tiredness, which gets better after rest. If your fatigue is caused by lymphoma, it will usually persist even after you have rested or slept.

Unplanned weight loss happens when you’re suddenly losing weight without trying to. This usually happens even though you haven’t made any dietary changes or increased your level of exercise. It is a symptom of many health conditions.

You should see a doctor if you lose more than five percent of your body weight within 6 to 12 months. This may be a sign of lymphoma [7]. Weight loss caused by lymphoma happens because cancerous cells deplete the body’s energy sources.