
8 Tips for Overcoming New Job Anxiety

Walk through It

You are right if you ever suspected that a walk or jog helped reduce your worries. According to a 2015 research, exercise has one potential helpful intervention for anxiety.

Regular exercise or physical activity can help:

  • Release mood-boosting endorphins[4]
  • Help ease stress
  • Promote quality sleep
  • Relax tense muscles

So, next time you feel nervous stress settling in your limbs, try shaking it off with a brisk walk.

Building regular movement breaks for a walk or stretches into your day can make help ease anxiety.

Try Some Mindfulness

When you are anxious, you might find yourself overwhelmed by several negative thoughts clamoring to be heard. Unpacking these doubts and fear can sometimes lead to productive solutions.

Although, it is not always possible to solve your anxiety, and endlessly analyzing your worries can eventually lead to increased distress.

The mindfulness technique can help you anchor yourself in the present moment instead of letting a tide of fear and nervousness move you.

Becoming more mindful can be as simple as acknowledging your worries instead of trying to overanalyze them or push them away. Then, practice acceptance by recognizing your apprehension and letting it go without engaging with it.