
Can Autism and Bipolar Disorder Co-Occur?

According to Research

It is not clear how many people have both bipolar and autism. But research has shown that autistic people are more likely to show signs of bipolar disorder and are also more likely to be diagnosed with BD. According to a 2008 study [3], up to 27 percent of autistic children showed symptoms of bipolar disorder.

A large 2020 study done in Minnesota and comprised of participants between the ages of 17 and 43 years old, focused on the rate of mood disorders in autistic people. The study lasted for several months. And Researchers discovered that autistic people were 9.34 times more likely to have clinically diagnosed BD compared to people without autism.

Research has shown that both bipolar disorder and autism may be linked to your gene. So, if your family member has BD or depression, you are at a greater risk of getting the condition. Specific genes may increase your chances of developing these conditions.

Research has been able to identify some of the genes linked to both bipolar disorder and autism. And believe it may help them understand why some people have an overlap of both conditions.