
Separation Anxiety in Adults: Symptoms, Treatment, and Mmore


Everyone feels concerned about the welfare of their loved ones. Adults with a separation anxiety disorder may experience extreme anxiety and panic attacks when loved ones are out of reach. They may also feel so socially withdrawn or find it difficult to concentrate when they are not with loved ones. Parents may become extremely strict, or over-involved in their children’s life. People with this condition may also be overbearing in relationships.

People with this disorder may be socially withdrawn, or show extreme sadness or difficulty concentrating when away from loved ones. In parents, the disorder can lead to strict, over-involved parenting. In relationships, you may be more likely to be an overbearing partner.

Other symptoms observed in people with the disorder include:

  • Anxiety attacks or sadness
  • You may also experience diarrhea [1], headaches, and physical aches
  • Extreme fears that loved ones, or yourself, will be kidnapped or severely wounded
  • Not wanting to leave the proximity of a loved one.
  • Unable to sleep away from a loved one because you are afraid something will happen to them.

These symptoms must prevent you from performing normal functions for six months before they can be clinically diagnosed.