
What Is Anaclitic Depression?

Anaclitic Depression in Adults

People who suffer from anaclitic depression frequently exhibit an anxious or preoccupied attachment style and are more likely to struggle socially. They could prioritize connections more than they do their independence and individual needs.

People may be overly reliant on others and show a strong need to be cared for, cherished, and nurtured. To feel secure and establish their sense of self, they could rely on relationships.

Someone with an anaclitic personality type could have a strong need to establish close relationships with others. They could also long for other people’s acceptance and approval. For some people, the possibility of ending a relationship or going through turmoil within might make depression symptoms [2] worse.

According to the results of a review in 2021 [3], reactivity, despair, and helplessness are frequently displayed by people with anaclitic or sociotropic personalities. Kids might have separation anxiety and fluctuating moods.

Adults who have anaclitic depression might exhibit:

  • sadness
  • dread of abandonment or rejection, low self-worth, and wrath
  • issues with trust
  • reclusiveness
  • perfectionism
  • indecisiveness

Psychoanalysis may be helpful for someone with an anaclitic personality, particularly if they struggle with depressive symptoms or unpleasant feelings.

Psychoanalysis reportedly aids anaclitic personalities in making positive life changes and learning to cultivate inner awareness, according to 2020 research. They discovered how to lessen their reliance on and fixation on other people while learning to become more independent, stable, and self-aware. The individuals’ confidence in interpersonal interactions and their jobs also increased.