
What Is Anaclitic Depression?

Causes and Symptoms of Anaclitic Depression

Anaclitic depression in adults is not well studied. However, a more recent study from 2002 with 245 participants looked into the factors.

Researchers looked into the relationship between parental attachment and depression. According to the study, those who had secure attachments were less likely to experience depression. Those who as adults had a concerned attachment style (also known as an anxious attachment style) were more likely to experience anaclitic depression.

Preoccupied attachment appears to be based on parenting style, like all attachment styles. A parent with inconsistent parenting styles who is occasionally emotionally available and other times nurturing may set the foundation for a child to grow up with a preoccupied attachment style. This relationship involves a propensity to look for approval from others in an effort to boost poor self-esteem.

Anaclitic depression shares many of the same symptoms as depression. These signs include:

  • fear, grief, and tears
  • disengagement from the environment and refusal to interact with others
  • sluggish motions and delayed responses to stimuli are examples of developmental hindrances.
  • appetite loss and weight loss
  • insomnia [4]
  • facial stance that is impassive and emotionless