
10 Common Dry Mouth Symptoms

Dry mouth, also known as xerostomia is when the mouth fails to produce enough saliva to maintain moistness. It is an unusual feeling which may or may not be due to an underlying disease. Xerostomia may occur due to reasons like substance abuse (drugs and alcohol), dehydration, and a diet consisting mainly of dry foods.

Diseases [1] that cause xerostomia include Alzheimer’s, Sjogren’s syndrome, Human Immunodeficiency Virus, Autonomic neuropathy, and Acquired Immunodeficiency syndrome. Dry mouth affects ten percent of the population and is more common in women than men.

Here are ten common dry mouth symptoms:

Bad Breath

Dry Mouth and bad breath can be directly related to one another, a common symptom of dry mouth is fouling-smelling breath. [2] Dry mouth can trigger oral conditions if left untreated, as saliva has the ability to moisten and help the passage and wash away food particles and prevent them from sticking to corners of the mouth and neutralize acids produced by plaque. The underproduction of saliva will increase the number of particles hiding in the gum, which turns into bacteria that cause tooth decay and other oral infections. Bacteria and dry tissues in the mouth are the common causes of bad breath, and dry mouth may be a side effect of various medications, salivary gland problems, or continuous breathing through the mouth. Dry mouth makes people feel uncomfortable and bad breath causes embarrassment, they can bring potential damage to your teeth and gums if not treated properly.