
10 Common Remedies for a Tooth Infection

Coconut oil pulling & Aloe vera gel

This practice is not completely supported by dentists. People say it helps to maintain good dental hygiene, but there is no prove that it has any benefits for tooth infection. Coconut oil possess antibacterial properties so it could help to reduce the symptoms of tooth infection. It also helps to manage the symptoms.

Aloe vera gels have natural antibacterial properties and it is used to treat tooth infection. It is commonly used to treat cuts or burns and skin irritations. It is important for people to buy food-grade aloe vera liquid, so it can be consumed. The fluid form can also be used, but the gel is easier to use for tooth and gums. The gel should have a cool temperature before it is applied on the tooth. Placing cold aloe vera gel to affected tooth or gums can cause instant pain relief.