
Different Types of Dental Fillings – A Complete Guide

Procedures for filling a tooth

First, a local anesthetic will be used by your dentist to numb the region surrounding the affected tooth. The deteriorated region will then be removed using a laser, drill, or air abrasion tool. The type of instrument used will depend on the location and severity of the decay, your dentist’s level of comfort, training, and investment in the particular piece of equipment.

Following the removal of the decay, your dentist will probe or test the region to see if all of it has been removed. Your dentist will clean the cavity of bacteria and debris once the decay has been removed in order to prepare the area for the filling. In order to protect the nerve if the decay is close to the root, your dentist could first place a liner made of glass ionomer, composite resin, or another substance. Your dentist will typically polish the filling after it is in place.

With tooth-colored fillings, there are a few extra measures that must be taken. The tooth-colored material is put in layers after your dentist has cleaned the region and removed the decay. The next step involves applying a specific light to “cure” or harden each layer. Following the completion of the multilayering procedure, your dentist will shape the composite material to get the desired result, trim off any extra material, and polish the finished restoration.