
Dysgeusia: Symptoms, Causes, Treatments and More


One of the major causes of dysgeusia is diabetes. Diabetes is a medical condition where the body does not synthesize enough insulin or utilize it properly. People with undiagnosed diabetes, mostly type 2 diabetes mellitus often experience impairment in taste sensation. Dysgeusia is often called diabetic tongue in the article journal of family medicine and primary care. Dysgeusia can also be an early disease symptom. People with diabetes have altered taste but it Is not constant throughout a day, this is because of changes in blood sugar levels and referred to as an early clinical sign for diabetes.

Having diabetes elevates risk of having taste disorders, people with type 2 diabetes are going to have problems tasting sweet food. It causes metallic taste in the mouth. This is caused by drugs and poor oral hygiene. Most times, metallic taste in the mouth is an early sign of diabetes.