
Home Remedies for Abscess Tooth


With delicious taste and strong smell, garlic grows in many countries in the world that is related to leeks, onions and chives, often used in cooking. But through the long history, garlic was found mainly used as a medicine to treat certain health problems.

Garlic contains a compound called allicin [7] which has anti-bacterial properties that improve symptoms of abscess tooth. It can boost the function of immune system. Biting on a clove of garlic with the infected tooth for a few minutes may help eliminate the bacteria and reduce pain. Apply a paste of crushed garlic on the infected spot for several minutes for a better result.

Except abscess tooth, garlic has good effects in treating common cold, sickness, lowering blood pressure, improving cholesterol levels, and more. Too much garlic may lead to some discomfort, such as diarrhea, bad breath, upset stomach, body odor and bloating. Be sure to ask the doctor if you are taking any garlic supplement.