
How to Identify and Treat a Cut on the Gums

How to Treat a Scratch on the Gum

A cut on the gum could be mild or severe. However, most cases are mild enough for you to treat at home and recover from without going to the hospital.

Home remedies

  • Stop the bleeding: To stop the bleeding, apply a clean cloth or paper towel to your gum for some minutes till the bleeding stops. You can also rinse your mouth with clean water to wash the cut area.
  • Rinse your mouth with salt water: This is an effective way to keep your injury clean and prevent infection. To make a salt rinse, combine one teaspoon of salt with 1 cup of warm water, then juggle the water in your mouth for several seconds. Do this repeatedly throughout the day, especially after meals.
  • Certain changes in diet: Some temporary changes in your diet like taking more soft foods and avoiding hot, spicy, or citrus-based meals, may help reduce pain and make it heal faster. Sucking on ice cubes or popsicles may also help soothe swelling.
  • Use a cool compress: Applying a cool compress to the cut will help ease the pain and reduce swelling. You can do this by soaking a soft cloth in cool water, then applying it to the affected area for at least 10minutes.
  • Use of medication: To help soothe mild pain and discomfort caused by the gum injury, you can get Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medication. Examples of these medications include ibuprofen (Advil) or acetaminophen (Tylenol). Discuss with your doctor before using these drugs and strictly follow the dosage instructions.

Clinical treatments

Although it is rare, a cut on gum that won’t stop bleeding may require stitches. The stitch may dissolve on its own, or you will have to return to your doctor or dentist after some days to take them off. Your doctor may recommend oral antibiotics [2] for infected cuts.

A healthcare professional will give you a prescription for a course of antibiotics, which usually runs for at least seven days. It is vital to finish the prescription even if the gum infection improves.