
Perioral Dermatitis Treatment, Causes, and Natural Remedies

Treatment options for Perioral dermatitis

According to the American Osteopathic College of Dermatology (AOCD) [1], the first thing to do if you have inflation is to stop topical steroid cream or nasal sprays that contain steroids. These products can make the symptoms worse and may have even been the cause.

To get your condition treated, it is essential that you talk to your doctor. If you are using any medication, your doctor will tell you if to stop. All you may need to recover could be just to prevent the use of steroid creams.

Your doctor or dermatologist will determine your treatment, depending on the severity of your condition. Your doctor will recommend using mild soaps and that you stop the use of heavy skin creams.

Other treatment options for Perioral dermatitis include:


Your doctor or dermatologist may prescribe certain medications to help ease your condition. Examples of such medicines include:

  • Topical antibiotics like erythromycin (Erygel) or metronidazole (Metrogel, Noritate)
  • Immunosuppressive creams and ointment
  • Topical ivermectin
  • Topical antibiotics
  • Oral antibiotics include tetracycline, minocycline, doxycycline, isotretinoin, and doxycycline.