
Perioral Dermatitis Treatment, Causes, and Natural Remedies

Change in diet and particular lifestyle

To treat Perioral dermatitis, it will help that you incorporate a particular lifestyle that can help prevent it from occurring. Here are some changes to consider incorporating:

  • Do not use harsh face scrubs or perfumed cleaners. Instead, use only warm water during flare-ups. Once it has gone, use only mild soap on your face, and do not scrub your face.
  • Avoid using steroid creams, including non-prescription
  • Stop or reduce the use of cosmetics and make-up.
  • Frequently wash your pillowcase and towels in hot water
  • Reduce spicy and salty foods as they can irritate the skin around your mouth.

Proper treatment may take a few weeks to months for Perioral dermatitis to completely clear up.