
Parkinson’s Tremor: Causes, Treatments, and more

Action tremors

Action tremors happen when the body is active. They mostly occur during voluntary muscle activities.

Action tremors can be divided into various groups. Some people may experience more than one type. Types of action tremor include:

  • Isometric tremor: It occurs when you contract a muscle without changing position. You may experience this type of tremor when you hold a dumbbell in one position.
  • Postural tremor: This type of action tremor occurs when you perform an activity against gravity. For example, it may occur when you hold your arms out in front of you.
  • Task-specific tremor: This type of tremor occurs when you perform a task that requires a skill. In most cases, it occurs when you are speaking or writing.
  • Intention tremor: This occurs when you make an intentional movement, such as touching your nose with your finger. In most cases, the tremor exacerbates when you move your limb closer to a particular location or a purposeful action.
  • Kinetic tremor: It occurs when you voluntarily move your muscles. Kinetic tremor can be triggered by any type of voluntary movement. No matter how little it is.