Staph infections are those types of infections caused by a group of organisms known as Staphylococcus. This is a group of bacteria responsible for causing different forms of diseases in man and animals as well. They are gram-positive bacteria that appear like a bunch of grapes when viewed under a microscope.
There are over 30 types of staphylococci known to cause different diseases in humans, but the one that is commonly seen is the Staphylococcus aureus [1]. It has been discovered to be the causative organism of different diseases occurring in different sites or tissues in the body. Staphylococci can be found commonly on the skin and the nose of many healthy adults and health workers but may never cause infections until they gain entrance into the bloodstream or body tissues. The diseases caused by this organism range from mild illness to very severe illness that may lead to sepsis, shock and death.
Staphylococcal infections [2] are actually very contagious. They can be contracted by direct contact with the infected wound, contaminated sharp objects, bandages, and so on. As long as the infection is active or ongoing in a person, it can be easily transmitted.
Risk Factors
There are people who have been discovered to be at higher risk of contracting staph infections. They include;
- Newborn infants
- People suffering from chronic disease conditions like diabetes, cancer, lung disease and so on.
- People who have skin injuries or skin disorders
- Breastfeeding women
- Those with weakened or suppressed immune systems
- Patients with intravenous catheters and surgical incisions, etc.
These conditions may create an entry point for staphylococcus organisms or increase a person’s susceptibility to staph infections.