
What Precautions Should You Take During Chemotherapy Treatment?

Steer Clear Of Unhealthy Environment

One of the demerits of the chemotherapy treatment is that it weakens the immune system. A weakened immune system [3] easily subjects one to infections. Therefore, it is very important that someone who is undergoing chemotherapy maintains a clean and safe environment. Also, ensure that you stay away from people who are sick from certain infections.

Personal hygiene is also very important. Regular washing of the hands or the use of hand sanitizers reduces the risk of getting an infection.

Stay Away from Stressful Activities

Chemotherapy is known to cause fatigue in patients. It is important that patients who are undergoing this treatment stay away from activities that stress them. Adequate rest is recommended for patients who are undergoing this treatment. Ensure that you are surrounded by people who are willing to run errands for you.