
Ovarian Cysts: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosis & Treatment

Who Is Likely to Have Ovarian Cyst

Ovarian cysts can happen to any with ovaries. Although there are certain factors that increases the chances of it occurring, such as:

  • Age: Ovarian cysts are more common in people who haven’t experienced menopause.
  • Pregnancy status: Cysts are more likely to form and remain during pregnancy.
  • History of ovarian cysts: An ovarian cyst is likely to reoccur if you’ve had one before.
  • Current medical conditions: You’re more likely to get an ovarian cyst if you have endometriosis, hormone problems or if you’re on medication to help with ovulation, like clomiphene (Clomid©).

Ovarian cysts are very common, especially if you have not gone through menopause yet. Functional cysts are the most common type of ovarian cyst.