
Premenopause vs. Perimenopause: What’s the Difference?

Changes in Menstrual Cycle

Perimenopause comes with a lot of changes in the regular period cycle. This is due to the hormonal fluctuations taking place in the body. These changes can appear in a variety of ways.

Some people experience spotting between their period cycles. Spotting [7] is not the same thing as period stains. It refers to the small blood spots noticeable on one’s underwear. The bleeding isn’t enough to require the use of tampons or menstrual pads. Spotting happens due to some changes in the body’s hormones and the build-up of endometrium (the lining of the uterus).

Heavy bleeding may also happen during perimenopause. Hormonal changes during this time may cause your estrogen levels to become significantly higher than your progesterone levels. This causes a build-up of endometrium. A thicker endometrium means your periods will be heavier next time the lining is shed. Endometrium may also build-up due to a missed period cycle, which often happens during perimenopause. During perimenopause the space between periods can become very irregular. You may experience longer but far-between menstrual cycles lasting over 38 days [8]. This usually happens in the later stages of perimenopause. Sometimes, the cycles are shorter and lighter [9], lasting only a few days. Short cycles are more common at the start of perimenopause.