
Infradian Rhythm – An Overview

Generally, infradian rhythms are normal cycles in the human body that occur for more than a day.

Experts reveal that studying your body’s natural rhythm can give you a more balanced life.

In this article, we will be discussing some important things to know about infradian rhythm.

What is Infradian Rhythm?

The word circadian is derived from the Latin words “Dian” and “circa”. They both mean day and around respectively.” While, “infra” means beyond, therefore, infradian means “beyond a day”

Basically, an infradian rhythm is a cycle that lasts longer than the circadian rhythm.

The most popular infradian rhythm that occurs in humans is the menstrual cycle. Scientists say, seasonal affective disorder can also be called an infradian.

Remember that a little alteration from month to month is natural. Doctors advise patients to always listen to their body and change plans accordingly, even in cases where they think their energy levels or metabolism are high.

Understanding the logic behind Infradian rhythms can help you to work with the monthly flow of your bodily cycles, such as your menstrual cycle (if you have one). In most cases, the Infradian rhythm is created by the hormones (progesterone, estrogen, luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone) produced during your menstrual cycle.

The ovulation process is determined by the production of these hormones at different times during the cycle.

If you experience consistent irregularities in your cycle, it is important for you to visit a doctor, so they can check for serious diseases such as PCOS.

These hormones are also released at different levels, as a result, the menstrual cycle occurs in four phases:

  • Menstruation Phase: Days 1–5
  • Follicular Phase: Days 6–14
  • Ovulatory Phase: Days 15–17
  • Luteal Phase: Days 18–28

By understanding your Infradian rhythm, you can observe several changes (physically and mentally) during each of these four phases.