
The Wood Chop Exercise: Benefits, How-To, Muscles Worked

The execution

This movement is divided into two stages, the lift, and the chopping movement. In the first phase, the dumbbell is placed at the outside of one hip, then it is lifted and rotated above the outside of your head. For example, if you begin at the outside of your right hip, you will lift it up to the left side of your head.

While lifting the dumbbell, you should rotate your right foot to enhance the rotation and elevation of the weight. In this standing version, there will be little movement of the trunk. Most of the movement comes from your arms and pivoting your foot.

The second stage deals with the chopping motion of the movement. The weight will go from above the left side of your head back to your right hip. It is vital to pivot on your right foot while doing this. You should remember to keep your trunk and head tall as you do this aspect of the movement.

This movement should be properly controlled and stopped between each rep to reduce the momentum used. You can do 2 sets of 8-15 repetitions on each side.

When doing the low-to-high wood chop, it is important to maintain one direction throughout the whole set. The rotation of the body from low squat to standing is the key to strengthening your bs in a fun and powerful way.