
Hard Lump under Skin: 8 Causes and How They Are Treated

Keratoacanthoma and the Treatment

A keratoacanthoma is a little skin tumor that develops out of skin cells. It is fairly common. Experts are not sure of its causes, but they believe it is caused by exposure to sunrays.

A keratoacanthoma may look like a pimple initially, but they grow bigger over a period of several weeks. The middle of the lump mostly bursts, leaving a crater. Things to know about keratoacanthoma are;

  • They contain keratin (the core) that resembles a horn or scale in the center of the bump.
  • There are popular in light skinned people and older adults
  • They feel itchy or painful
  • A keratoacanthoma can grow to 3 cm in just few weeks.

They grow in places that are exposed to sunrays regularly such as the hands, arms and face

Experts say keratoacanthoma is harmless and resembles the squamous cell carcinoma [5]. This is why it is important to report to a doctor. This lump is self-healing, medication or surgery can hasten the process.