
Hard Lump under Skin: 8 Causes and How They Are Treated

Hernia or Swollen Lymph Node and the Treatment

A hernia is a lump that develops when a part of the body pushes through surrounding tissues. They are mostly caused by strain to the abdomen and groin. Signs of hernia [7] include; dull ache, burning sensation, feeling of fullness or heaviness at the hernia site and a bulge you can push in. Unlike other causes of lump or bump, hernias require medical treatment. In most cases, they are harmful. It is important to seek immediate treatment if you cannot push it back.

Lymph nodes are small groups of cells found in various parts of the body. Lymph nodes are pea-sized, but they well when they are exposed to bacteria. They return to their usual size once the underlying cause is treated. Sometimes, the cause of swollen lymph nodes is uncertain. Swollen lymph nodes can interfere with swallowing or breathing, so they should be reported to a doctor.