
Do IUDs Cause Weight Gain?

Hormonal IUDs

Hormonal IUDs like Mirena and Skyla are plastic T-shaped devices that facilitate the release of progestin (a hormone that prevents pregnancy) into your uterus. The hormone impedes the mobility of sperm by thickening your cervical mucus. It also thins the epithelial lining of your uterus to prevent the release of eggs.

The Skyla IUD can remain in the uterus for 3 years, and the Mirena can last for up to 5 years. Like copper IUDs, You must also replace the IUDs after some years.

The most common side effects of hormonal IUDs include irregular menstrual bleeding and missed periods. It can cause other side effects, such as:

  • Acne
  • Headaches, such as migraines [5]
  • Depression [6]
  • Heavy bleeding during menstruation

Hormonal IUDs can also lead to weight gain.

A 2020 study discussed the effects of the birth control implant, the copper IUD, and the hormonal IUD on different races of women. The study showed that the women who used hormonal IUDs gained 1.59 lbs (0.72kg) after 12 months.

This means that hormonal IUDs can lead to a little increase in weight. It is important to note that weight gain can be caused by other factors and more research needs to be done to understand its relationship with IUDs.

An IUD must be inserted by a doctor. You can contact your doctor immediately if you start to experience the side effects of IUD after it is inserted.

It is important to note that IUD does not prevent the transfer of sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Make sure you use other barrier methods like condoms, to protect yourself from STIs.