
Tips to Meditate When You’re a Perfectionist

What to Do to Let Go of Perfection

Do you want to experience the mental health benefits of meditating? You can follow these guidelines to help you accept yourself: Meditation tips for perfectionists.

  • Incorporate gratitude
  • Start with guided meditation
  • Try “I am” statements
  • Intentionally do something “wrong”
  • Accept yourself
  • Be compassionate

Incorporate gratitude

Gratitude teaches you to focus on what is good and not what is perfect. Experts believe that if you stay grateful during meditation [2] it can help you accept your perfectionist side. In most cases, as a perfectionist, you will find yourself worrying about the future or experiencing anxiety [3] attacks. Incorporating a grateful attitude can help you experience the mental health benefits of meditation [4].

As you assume your meditation spot, you can thank yourself for taking the time to do something that makes you happy. Even if you feel like you’re not having a good time meditating, you can try to find something to be grateful for. This helps you criticize yourself less and encourage yourself more.