
Why Are My Veins Blue and Green?

Reasons Why Veins May Be More Visible in Some People

Veins are not visible in everyone, here are some of the reasons why veins may appear more prominent, in some than others:

  • Genetics can play a role in how visible your veins appear. The genes can be passed from your parents to you. For example, if one of your parents has noticeable veins, you may have them as well.
  • Emotion can also have an effect. Certain emotions can make the veins become visible. If you’re angry, yelling, or laughing uproariously, an increase in pressure may make your veins expand and bulge. It is usually the superficial veins on your forehead, temples, and neck. Sneezing can also have this effect.
  • Exercising can also raise blood pressure, making veins more prominent.
  • Heat and hot weather can also cause the veins to expand and dilate, making them more visible.