
10 Reasons Why Cats Make Better Pets Than Dogs

Kittens Are Easier to Care for than Puppies

Caring for the young of most pets is work. They require a lot more attention and energy. You have to be more mindful about their diet, their health, get them used to you and their environment, train them—the list of things to do is quite long.

With kittens, your work is less compared with dogs. [3] Dogs need a significantly longer time to get toilet-trained. Kittens do not. They learn to use the litter box quickly and more efficiently. Kittens that have been weaned by their mothers are also somewhat independent, requiring much less work and attention.

Cats Live Longer Than Dogs

Most pet owners want their pets to remain their companions for a very long time. While precise lifespans vary between breeds, cats live longer than dogs on average. You can expect your cat to live around 13 to 14 years, although some cats live as much long as 20. [4] Dogs, on the other hand, have an average lifespan of 11 years.