
10 Amazing Facts about Breast Milk

Breast Milk Contains Vital Antibodies

Breast milk contains high levels of antibodies that protects your baby against foreign substances, such as bacteria and fungi. Colostrum, the first milk in babies, produces large amounts of immunoglobulin A (IgA) and other vital antibodies.

When a mother is infected with bacteria or viruses, her immune system begins to produce antibodies that travel to the breast and are released with the breast milk. This is what offers immunity to babies and protects them from foreign substances.

Immunoglobulin (IgA) [1] forms a protective layer in a baby’s digestive system, throat, and nose to offer protection against any type of sickness. Formula does not have the ability to protect a baby from virus and bacteria. According to research, babies who are breastfed regularly are less prone to health conditions such as infection, diarrhea, and pneumonia [2].