
12 Ways to Lower Your Triglycerides


Triglyceride is a type of fat [1] or lipid that is found in the blood. They are stored in the cells and are released later to be broken down for energy. A person who consumes more calories than is used is at risk of developing elevated triglycerides. They are the main constituents of body fat in humans and other vertebrates, as well as vegetable fat. The human body requires some levels of triglycerides to function properly, but high levels can significantly increase risks [2] of heart problems like stroke and heart attack. It can also be a sign of metabolic syndrome.

Metabolic syndrome is the combination of high blood pressure, high blood sugar, and too much fat around the waist, low HDL (good) cholesterol, and high triglycerides. The combination of these unhealthy conditions can lead to serious health complications or death. Simple carbohydrates that contain sugars like fructose are common triggers of elevated triglycerides.

The common ways [3] to remedy this condition are to lose weight through regular exercise and to cut calories. If you are consuming more calories than your body needs, they are converted to triglycerides and stored as fat.

Cut from your diet the foods that are high in simple sugars because they significantly contribute to high triglyceride levels. Natural and processed foods can be high in these triggering sugars. Switch sodas and juices for sugar-free or diet-free is the very first step towards a healthy journey.

Studies have shown that several foods contribute to elevated triglyceride levels.

Black coffee, especially unfiltered coffee significantly contributes to increased levels of total cholesterol. It increases low-density lipoprotein (bad) cholesterol levels and triglycerides. Studies have shown that people who consume more coffee are at a higher risk of elevated triglycerides.

Foods [4] that contribute to elevated triglycerides include:

  • Pasta
  • White flour
  • White rice
  • Potatoes

These foods contain simple sugars, including fructose, glucose, and lactose. Usually, there are no symptoms of having elevated triglycerides.

Here are twelve ways [5] to lower elevated triglycerides (ET):