
10 Supplements that May Help Lower Blood Pressure


Potassium is referred to as the best-known nutritional supplement for blood pressure regulation. Increase in the amount of potassium you consume can help reduce blood pressure. Potassium works by enhancing the excretion of sodium through urine and causing blood vessels to relax.

After reviewing over 23 studies, it was discovered that potassium supplements can cause great decrease in blood pressure, compared with a placebo.

Other reviews conclude that these supplements are safe and effective. They are more effective in people with high blood pressure who have high amount of sodium in their diets.


Coenzyme Q10 is commonly referred to as coQ10. It is a vitamin-like molecule that is produced by your body and seen in certain foods.

It helps to lower blood pressure, when consumed as a supplement.

17 studies were reviewed and it was discovered that coQ10 supplements greatly reduced systolic blood pressure, which is the highest number on a reading.

However, results from other studies are mixed. Therefore, more research must be done.