
Alcohol Poisoning and Overdose: Everything You Need to Know

What Signs Indicate an Alcohol Overdose?

Alcohol overdose symptoms can include:

  • mental state abnormalities, including confusion
  • vomiting [3]
  • pale or blue skin
  • passing out (unconsciousness)
  • drop in body temperature (hypothermia)

You risk experiencing severe difficulties if you drink more frequently than your liver can handle it since alcohol depresses your neurological system. These difficulties comprise:

  • seizure brought on by low blood sugar
  • slowing or stopping of the heart rate, breathing and gag reflex all of which are nervous system-controlled
  • cardiac arrest after a drop in body temperature (hypothermia [4]).

There are several signs of alcohol overdose that are not required to be present. Call 911 if someone’s breathing has slowed to less than eight breaths per minute or if they are unconscious and cannot be awakened. Don’t leave someone unattended if you think they may have overdosed on alcohol and they are unconscious.

If they should vomit, make careful to turn them over on their side. They risk choking and maybe dying if they vomit while unconscious and lying on their back since an alcohol overdose can inhibit the gag reflex. Vomit can halt someone’s breathing if it enters their lungs through the nose or mouth.

While waiting for emergency medical assistance, you should stay with the unconscious person.