
Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) Treatments

Drugs for treating alcohol use disorder (AUD)

Three drugs have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to treat alcohol use disorder.

  • Acamprosate [2] is usually prescribed after you quit drinking. It stops you from going back to alcohol. It binds to the receptors in your brain to reduce your cravings after you have stopped drinking.
  • Disulfiram [3] is a drug that is responsible for the unpleasant symptoms that occur anytime you take alcohol, such as skin flushing and nausea. If you know that drinking will cause several unpleasant symptoms, it may help you avoid drinking alcohol.
  • Naltrexone [4] suppresses the good feeling you experience anytime you drink alcohol by blocking the receptors in your brain. It also reduces your craving for alcohol and tendency to drink.

You can visit your doctor to help you select which drug is best for you. The drugs are not addictive. They cannot cure AUD, but they can help manage disorders. It is similar to taking drugs to treat severe diseases such as diabetes [5] or asthma [6].