
Types and Symptoms of Seizure

Generalized Seizures

There are six types of generalized seizures, each marked by different symptoms. These types of seizures involve the whole brain.

  • Absence seizures

Formerly called petit mal seizures, the symptoms almost resemble those seen in complex partial seizures. The seizure is characterized by a blank stare into space or repetitive body movements such as lip smacking and or eye blinking. People also often experience loss of awareness during attacks.

The seizures often occur in clusters and may last for less than 10 seconds. They mostly affect children and may happen up to 100 times [3] in one day.

  • Tonic seizures

Tonic seizures [4] cause your muscles to grow stiff. This seizure typically affects the muscles of your back, arms and legs. You may lose consciousness briefly and fall to the ground.

  • Atonic seizures

Atonic seizures [5] are also called drop seizures. These result in a temporary loss of muscle control. During an attack, you may suddenly fall to the ground or drop your head.