
Types and Symptoms of Seizure

Clonic seizures

Clonic seizures affect the neck, face and arms [6]. The main symptom is repeated jerking of the muscles of these body parts.

  • Myoclonic seizures

People who have myoclonic seizures [7] often do not experience loss of consciousness. This seizure is marked by sudden jerks and twitches of the arms and legs that last a very short time.

  • Tonic-clonic seizures

Tonic-clonic seizures [8] were formerly called grand mal seizures. This is the most dramatic or violent type of seizure seen in people with epilepsy. This is what most people recognize as an epileptic fit. It often causes a sudden loss of consciousness, stiffening of the muscles and jerking of the body. Some people may repeatedly bite their tongue or experience loss of bladder control. This kind of seizure usually goes on for several minutes.