
Vitamin D Deficiency: 6 Causes to Learn

Vitamin D deficiency [1] happens when you do not have enough vitamin D in your body system. This may be caused by inadequate consumption of vitamin D in your diet or underlying diseases that prevent the utilization of vitamin D in your body. It may also be caused by inadequate exposure to sunlight.

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that is produced naturally in the body on exposure to sunlight. This essential vitamin is critical to proper bone function and development. It does this by helping the body absorb calcium, a mineral that helps make bones stronger. Deficiency in children can result in a disease called rickets. In adults, vitamin D deficiency can result in the development of soft bones, a condition known as osteomalacia.

You need just the right amount of vitamin D, not too little and not too much. The amount of vitamin D considered normal in the blood is between 50 to 125 nm/l. Concentrations above this range are considered too high. Below 30 nm/l, vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed. Six of the most common causes of this condition are discussed in this article. Read on to find out.

Inadequate Exposure to Sunlight

Vitamin D is one of the very few vitamins you don’t have to actively source from elsewhere. Your skin naturally produces this substance when you are exposed to sunlight. If you live in hotter climes or places where there is a lot of yearly sunshine, you should have a sufficient amount of vitamin D in your body.

People who live in colder regions where they don’t get enough sunlight are more likely to suffer from vitamin D deficiency. Deficiency due to low exposure to sunlight doesn’t affect only people who live in such places, however. Not leaving your room enough or suffering from chronic conditions that keep you bedridden for a long time often prevents you from getting enough sunlight exposure. This puts you at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency.

If you are unable to get as much sunlight as you need, you can try using supplements to make up for what you lack. Consult an expert if you’re not sure just how much you should be taking. The dosage will depend on your current vitamin D levels. Be careful not to overcompensate.