
What Are the Causes of Plantar Fasciitis?

Poor Exercising

Generally, poor exercising habits can lead to a lot of medical conditions aside from plantar fasciitis. A poor exercising habit can cause heart disease for people with no other risk factors. Some exercises may help reduce the pain and stiffness caused by plantar fasciitis. Some major exercises that may help are stretching of the calf, rolling stretch, stretching of the plantar fascia, and foot flexes. [3]

The tightness of the muscle around the feet and calves can worsen the pain in plantar fasciitis. However, loosening the calf muscles can relieve the pain. When stretching the calf, the individual may begin by leaning their hands against the wall, straightening the affected leg’s knee, and bending the other knee in front. Ensure that both feet are kept flat on the ground, and there should be a stretching sensation in the heel and calf of the extended leg. Ensure that the position is kept for 10 seconds and repeat the process two to three times.