
What Does It Mean to Be Homoromantic?

How Does Being Homoromantic Coexist with Your Sexual Orientation?

As mentioned, you might be both homoromantic and gay. However, some people feel sexually attracted to one group of people, but romantically attracted to another. This explains that your romantic orientation is different from your sexual orientation. This is called mixed or cross orientation.

To understand better, check out these examples:

  • A homoromantic, pansexual [1] man might find himself sexually attracted to people of all genders, but only romantically interested in men.
  • A homoromantic, bisexual [2] woman might find herself sexually attracted to people of many genders but only romantically interested in women.
  • A non-binary [3] person who’s homoromantic and asexual might be romantically attracted to people of the same or similar gender, but experience little to no sexual attraction to anyone.
  • A non-binary person who’s homoromantic and graysexual [4] might experience sexual attraction infrequently while only being romantically attracted to other non-binary people.
  • A woman who’s homoromantic and heterosexual [5] might find herself sexually attracted to men but only romantically interested in women.

There are several ways a mixed orientation person can appear among a homoromantic person. You should know that there’s no wrong way to be homoromantic.

For clarification: